Julia Malinina was born in the Moscow region in 1980. The future painter received a systemic art education. In 2001 she graduated from MAHU (formerly the Moscow State Academy of Arts in memory of 1905), and in 2007 she graduated with honors from the Moscow State Academy of Arts named after V.I.Surikova, where her teacher was T.G. Nazarenko. In 2007, the painter completed an internship at the University of the Arts in Berlin, in 2014 she lived at the Cité internationale des arts art residence in Paris. For five years, from 2011 to 2015, the artist taught at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I.Surikova, acting as an assistant to T.G. Nazarenko. Collaboration with the latter had a definite impact on the artist's creative interests. A postmodern look into the history of art and an interest in citing it, two important foundations of Nazarenko's art, were reflected in Malinina's art.
Yulia Malinina is a laureate of the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts and a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. In 2014, her project No man’s land (Zamoskvorechye gallery, Moscow) entered the parallel program of the IV Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. In 2015, the artist was nominated for the Kandinsky Prize (nomination "Project of the Year"). The painter is a member of the three largest art organizations of our time - the Moscow and Russian Union of Artists, as well as the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.
Julia Malinina. Fortress. Vyborg. 2014
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Person of the week: Yulia Malinina
10 / 13 / 2020
Yulia Malinina in her "portraits" of buildings reflects on the power and nature of the impact of time on industrial buildings and consists in a dialogue with a whole line in art, revealing the aesthetics of industrial architecture